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Integrated text-to-speech system for public address

Real-time information

The TTS 5000 uses the most advanced software speech synthesis techniques based on the use of phonemes (Text To Speech). The high performance of the selected hardware platform combined with the quality of the synthesising software makes it possible to offer high-quality expressive synthetic voices that achieve market leadership through their efficiency, pronunciation accuracy and natural intonation. It is no longer necessary to pre-record voice announcements and to create, transfer and update large archives of audio files.

Main features of the Ameli TTS 5000 system

It uses advanced speech synthesis techniques that transform written text into clear, understandable words, eliminating the need to pre-record announcements.

Thanks to its high-end hardware platform and speech synthesis software, the TTS 5000 delivers superior announcements with expressive voice, clear pronunciation and natural intonation.

Easy to integrate with existing on-board information and safety systems, the TTS 5000 system amplifies the vehicle's communication capability.

Ability to generate listings not in the database in real time, ensuring immediate and accurate information updates.

In addition to voice synthesis, the system is able to play pre-loaded MP3 files, increasing the versatility of on-board announcements.


It improves communication between passengers and staff, making the travelling experience more comfortable and less stressful.

It adjusts the volume of announcements automatically according to background noise, ensuring that information is always clear and audible.

It reduces the need for maintenance of audio archives thanks to TTS technology, simplifying the management of voice content.

It provides clear and understandable voice announcements even outside the vehicle, informing waiting passengers of the bus route number and destination.

Why choose the Ameli TTS 5000 system?

With the TTS 5000 system, Ameli offers a state-of-the-art solution that combines sophisticated technology, easy integration and great flexibility, thus effectively meeting the needs of modern public transport. Our dedication to innovation in the industry allows us to provide a solution that not only improves the passenger travel experience, but also optimises transport operations and management.

Need more information?

Contact us now, our experts will answer all your questions

The company

For over seventy years, AMELI Srl has been a pillar in the field of information systems for public transport and is a reference point for the technological evolution of the sector, with cutting-edge solutions.



Call: 055-209259

Where are we: Via Guido Rossa, 10
Loc. Cascine del Riccio
50023, Impruneta (FI)

The company

For over seventy years, AMELI Srl has been a pillar in the field of information systems for public transport and is a reference point for the technological evolution of the sector, with cutting-edge solutions.



Call: 055-209259

Where are we: Via Guido Rossa, 10
Loc. Cascine del Riccio
50023, Impruneta (FI)

Ameli srl © 2024. Tutti i diritti riservati    |    Codice fiscale e Partita IVA 03670580483    |    Capitale Sociale I.V. 198.000,00    |    REA FI-379456 

Ameli srl © 2024. Tutti i diritti riservati   

Codice fiscale e Partita IVA 03670580483 

Capitale Sociale I.V. 198.000,00   

REA FI-379456